Does your business have vehicles, equipment and machinery that would benefit from the quality synthetic lubricants and filters in the AMSOIL product line?
Request a wholesale price list using the form on this page.
- Save up to 25% over suggested retail prices.
- Free shipping on orders over $350 or a flat rate of $13.99 for orders under $350.
- Any business, small or large is eligible. AMSOIL can extend credit (upon approval), take your orders, and ship the products to your door from the nearest of 11 US warehouses.
- What kind of business qualifies? Truckers, farms, mines, construction, bus lines, manufacturers or most any business with vehicles or equipment.
- There is no cost to have an account and there are no minimum orders or obligations.
- Purchase by credit card or with an optional credit account (on credit approval).
- AMSOIL INC. has Distribution Centers located throughout the country. Orders can be on your doorstep in just a few business days.
- We provide constant, experienced and accessible technical and administrative assistance.
- AMSOIL synthetic lubricants can improve efficiency, decrease wear and downtime and allow increased service intervals.
- How to start? Request a price list using the form on this page or call us at 1-800-748-5781.