With Labs in Canada & United States
We offer several oil analysis service options. By analyzing used oil, our labs can pick out mechanical problems or determine if oil change intervals are correct. Oil analysis can detect excess wear metals, fuel dilution, coolant incursion and more. This is the ideal way to get a birds-eye view into the health of engines, transmissions, gearboxes and more. Oil analysis is a valuable tool for individual car owners or industrial entities.
We also offer coolant analysis, diesel fuel analysis (diesel analysis in US only) and commercial oil analysis programs.
To order, call us at 1-800-748-5781 or request oil analysis kit pricing using the contact form on this page. Please put “oil analysis” in the comments section.
Related reading: Can Oil Analysis Detect Antifreeze In Engine Oil?
Canadian Kits (Lab in Edmonton, Kits Shipped From Edmonton or Mississauga)
- KIT401 UPS Prepaid Oil Analysis Kit (w/UPS return label)
- KIT402 Non-Postage Paid Oil Analysis Kit
- KIT403 Coolant Sample Kit (Non-Postage Paid)
- KIT415 Failure Analysis Kit (Commercial Only)
- KIT416 Maintenance Improvement Kit (Commercial Only)
- KIT417 Drain Interval Improvement Test Kit (Commercial Only)
US Kits (Labs in Indianapolis, Houston & Salt Lake City. Shipped From Nearest of 11 US Warehouses)
- KIT01 Postage Prepaid Oil Analysis Kit
- KIT02 UPS Prepaid Oil Analysis Kit (w/UPS return label)
- KIT06 Non-Postage Paid Oil Analysis Kit
- KIT09 Coolant Analysis Kit (w/UPS return label)
- KIT10 Diesel Fuel Contamination Test Kit
- KIT11 Diesel Fuel Performance Test Kit
- KIT14 Oil Sample Value Kit
- KIT15 Failure Analysis Kit (Commercial Only)
- KIT16 Maintenance Improvement Kit (Commercial Only)
- KIT17 Drain Interval Improvement Test Kit (Commercial Only)
Canadian OAI Lab
OIL ANALYZERS INC. (OAI) performs Canadian oil analysis at a laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta. Customers no longer have to ship oil samples across the US border. OAI also offers advanced coolant testing at the Edmonton lab.
What Information Is Shown In An Oil Analysis Report?
Our oil analysis reports show the information listed below. KIT14 (Value Kit) only shows viscosity, metals and base number.
- 24 metals including wear metals, multi-source metals and oil additive metals
- Fuel dilution by percentage (Engines)
- Soot levels by percentage (Engines)
- Water content by percentage
- Viscosity @ 40°C for non-engines
- Viscosity @ 100°C for engines
- Oxidation/Nitration
- Total Base Number for engines
- Acid Number for non-engines
Commercial Oil Analysis Programs (US and Canada)
- KIT15 (USA), KIT415 (Canada)- Failure Analysis Kit– Analyses oil for cause of equipment failure. Checks for excessive wear metals, coolant and moisture incursion and fuel dilution. Also offers future maintenance recommendations. Includes three 3-ounce sample bottles, three sample test forms, an oil sample vacuum pump and 25-feet of sample tubing. This kit does not include pre-paid postage.
- KIT16 (USA), KIT416 (Canada)- Maintenance Improvement Test Kit– This program helps companies prevent mechanical issues through routine oil analysis. Contains four 3-ounce sample bottles, four sample test forms, an oil sample vacuum pump and 25-feet of sample tubing. This test kit does not include pre-paid postage.
- KIT17 (USA), KIT417 (Canada)- Drain Interval Improvement Test Kit– Provides a clear path to determining oil change intervals. Takes the guesswork out of when to change oil. This kit Contains four 3-ounce sample bottles, four sample test forms, an oil sample vacuum pump, 25-feet of sample tubing. This option does not include pre-paid postage.
Coolant Analysis Kits
Shown as KIT09 in the US (UPS-postage paid) and KIT403 in Canada (non-postage paid). Coolant analysis offers the following information.
- 17 Metals
- pH level
- Glycol % (ethylene or propylene glycol)
- Freeze point
- Boil point
- Nitrite
- Total dissolved solids
- Specific conductance
- Total hardness
- Visual examination (color, oil, fuel, magnetic precipitate, non-magnetic precipitate, odor and foam)
- SCA number
Diesel Fuel Analysis Options (USA Only)
- KIT10- Diesel Fuel Contamination Test Kit (UPS-prepaid)– Shows levels of water, sediment and aerobic bacteria. Includes 32-ounce sample container.
- KIT12- Diesel Fuel Performance Test Kit(UPS-prepaid)– Checks general fuel quality. Shows 24 metals, viscosity at 40°C, calculated cetane index, distillation and API gravity. Includes 32-ounce sample container.
Timely Results
- Once the lab receives the sample, turnaround time for a result is about two business days.
- Customers receive reports through e-mail or online look-up.
- Report history and trends for an individual unit or entire fleet can be tracked on the HORIZON sample management website.
The Sampling Process: Trend Analysis
A single sampling analysis is useful in providing information when critical failure conditions exist. However, trend analysis is a better tool for estimating the useful life or overall condition of your engine or equipment. Trend analysis samples are taken and analyzed at regularly scheduled intervals. Comparing the most recent analysis to previous reports on a given machine shows the development of trends. Monitoring these trends enables early detection of abnormalities. Tested values falling within acceptable limits may show a pattern of subtle variance, which could signal a developing problem.
Machines of the same type will accumulate contaminants and wear at different rates. Performing trend analysis on each machine is the most effective method of giving you an internal look at your equipment and enabling you to address developing problems before they become catastrophic situations.
How To Take An Engine Oil Sample
The most common method of taking an engine oil sample is during the course of an oil change. Have the engine at or near operating temperatures for best results.
To take a sample between oil changes, the best option is to use an Oil Sampling Suction Pump such as the G1206. This pump extracts an oil sample by way of tubing sent down the dipstick tube. Oil is pumped directly into the sample bottle and the tubing is then discarded.
Questions? Contact us at 1-800-748-5781.