Here are solutions to counteract the ethanol now added to premium gasoline.
Premium gasoline is no longer ethanol-free in most Canada locations. At least 10% ethanol content is now mandated for the vast majority of premium gasoline on the market.
Until recently, premium grade gasoline was without ethanol at many Canadian pumps. For those looking to avoid ethanol for their powersports engine, small engine or classic car, premium gasoline was the safe option.
Is Ethanol Content In Gasoline A Problem?
Small engines, powersports engines and classic/collector car engines can develop problems due to the ethanol portion of gasoline. For most modern automotive applications, it’s not a problem. Automotive engines and their fuel-related components have been designed to be compatible with ethanol for decades. However, direct-injection engines can benefit from extra lubricity in the fuel. More on that below.
Ethanol In Small Engines And Powersport Engines
For applications like boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles and lawn/garden/utility engines, the ethanol content of gasoline can cause fits. There are a couple of reasons for this.
First and foremost, ethanol attracts and absorbs moisture. This ethanol/moisture mixture sinks to the bottom of the fuel tank and is eventually drawn into the combustion chamber. Once this combination goes through the engine, it creates perilously lean combustion. So much so, that engine seizure or severe damage is possible.
The second reason that ethanol is a concern in smaller engines is that it degrades quickly. This is a problem in the relatively small fuel tanks of smaller engines. Stale fuel can plug carburetors and make for difficult starting and hampered performance.
Solution- AMSOIL Quickshot is a gasoline additive for powersports and small engines. It neutralizes moisture/ethanol mixtures, allowing it to pass through the engine without any harmful effects. Quickshot also cleans carbs and injectors and provides medium-term fuel stabilization. Quickshot counteracts all of the potential harm that ethanol can cause in smaller engines.
For long-term storage, look to AMSOIL Gasoline Stabilizer. It preserves gasoline for up to two years. See how it dominated Sea Foam in fuel stabilization testing. AMSOIL Quickshot and the Gasoline Stabilizer can be used together in the same fuel batch.
Ethanol In Collector Cars And Street Rods
Ethanol can present a host of challenges for classic cars. Many older engines were designed long before the introduction of ethanol being added to gasoline. Therefore, they may have carburetor parts and fuel lines that don’t react well to ethanol. Ethanol is also a strong cleaning agent. The introduction of ethanol can loosen rust and dirt in old fuel tanks which can then plug fuel lines and filters.
Solution- First and foremost, fuel lines and carburetor parts will need to be replaced with those made of modern, ethanol-resistant materials. Fuel tanks will need to be cleaned out or replaced altogether. Chances are, these changes have already been made to well-maintained collector cars. But if not, this is motivation to update these components.
Secondly, adding AMSOIL Upper Cylinder Lubricant coats metal surfaces and fights corrosion. It counteracts ethanol’s pesky habit of attracting moisture and causing corrosion.
Thirdly, classic cars tend to operate sporadically and spend a considerable amount of time in storage. As gasoline with ethanol tends to degrade quickly, adding a good gasoline stabilizer is a solid practice. AMSOIL Gasoline Stabilizer has been proven to preserve fuel for up to two years. This practice prevents plugged fuel lines and carburetors.
Ethanol In Modern Automotive Engines
As mentioned, all modern cars are compatible with gasoline containing ethanol. However, direct-injected engines can have issues that can be exacerbated by ethanol. Direct-injected engines employ timing that has them constantly running lean. These engines also tend to have relatively low amounts of lubrication in the upper cylinders. Ethanol attracts moisture which can promote internal corrosion in this area. Direct injection engines can also be very prone to fuel system and combustion chamber deposits. Therefore, on a few fronts, direct-injection engines are exposed to very hostile operating conditions.
Solution- AMSOIL Upper Cylinder Lubricant combats all of the listed issues. It provides extra lubrication to the vulnerable upper cylinder areas and neutralizes the corrosive effects of moisture/ethanol. This product also cleans injectors and prevents the formation of performance-robbing deposits.