Can You Mix 2-Stroke Injector Oil Brands Or Types?
A reader asks: I’m currently running Polaris Blue 2-Stroke Oil in my snowmobile. Looking at switching to AMSOIL Synthetic Injector Oil. As Polaris Blue is a mineral oil and the AMSOIL is a synthetic oil, do I have to completely empty the oil tank? Would there be any problems with mixing these oils?
Our answer: All types of two-stroke injector oils can be mixed. There will not be any compatibility issues. All brands of synthetic, semi-synthetic and conventional 2-cycle oils are compatible.
Does A 2-Stroke Oil Injector Tank Need To Be Emptied When Switching Brands?
You do not have to complete empty your injector oil reservoir when switching oil types or brands. Simply run the oil level down to a safe point and pour the new oil on top.
While all two-stroke oils are compatible, they are not created equal. High-quality synthetic 2-stroke injector oils will create less exhaust smoke, offer improved performance, improved wear control and cleaner engine internals.
Therefore, when switching brands, you may note different performance characteristics when the new oil comes on-stream.