AMSOIL Releases New Transmission Oil For Dirt Bikes
AMSOIL has released a brand new synthetic transmission oil for dirt bikes and motocross motorcycles for the 2016 season. The AMSOIL Synthetic SAE 80 Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid is a high-quality gear oil for 2-stroke transmissions and also for 4-stroke bikes that have a transmission fluid that is separate from the engine oil.
Why Choose The SAE 80 Viscosity?
When choosing the best balance of friction reduction versus wear protection, SAE 80 seems to hit the sweet spot. Prior to the release of this Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid, a common recommendation by AMSOIL was their Synthetic 10W-40 Dirt Bike Oil. This product is an outstanding 4-stroke engine oil and also an elite transmission fluid.
Many assume that 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil is thinner than SAE 80 transmission oil, but the opposite is true. Gear oil and motorcycle engine oil use a different grading scale to prevent confusion and misapplication. The viscosity of AMSOIL Synthetic SAE 80 Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid is 10.3 centistokes at 100°C while AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-40 Dirt Bike Oil is 14.2 centistokes at 100°C. When comparing the two products on a viscosity chart, the 10W-40 Dirt Bike Engine Oil’s viscosity is actually closer to an SAE 90 gear oil.
What Kind Of Dirt Bikes Would Use This Transmission Oil?
Four-stroke dirt bikes and motocross bikes that separate the engine oil from the transmission fluid (such as the Honda CRF 250/450 series) as well as all 2-stroke dirt bike/MX transmissions.
Why Do Honda CRF 250 & 450 4-Stroke Dirt Bikes Use Separate Transmission Oil?
Most 4-stroke dirt bikes employed a common sump, meaning that one oil (usually a 10W-30 or 10W-40) is used for both the engine and transmission. This has always been the case for most motorcycle brands except for one. Honda CRF 250cc and 450cc dirt bikes and motocross race bikes separate the engine oil from the transmission oil and this makes perfect sense when you think about it. The engine oil does not have clutch plate material and metal filings from gears in circulation. The gear mashing in transmissions also tends to shear-down the oil’s viscosity. On the transmission side, the oil would not be contaminated with fuel dilution and combustion by-products. The transmission oil would also not be exposed to the high heat of the engine. Therefore each oil can do its job without being saddled with the baggage of the other compartment.
The advantage of a single oil sump in four-strokes is that they have the simplicity and convenience of changing just one oil type. They also have a large oil capacity on reserve, rather than two smaller oil sumps.
Best Oil Combination For 2-Stroke Dirt Bikes
Two-Stroke Dirt Bike/MX Engines- Use AMSOIL Dominator Synthetic 2-Stroke Racing Oil at 50:1. Some riders mix at 40:1 with excellent results. Dominator withstands extreme heat, big horsepower and prolonged high RPM. If you work your engine to the limit, you will be very pleased with Dominator.
Two-Stroke Dirt Bike/MX Transmissions Use new AMSOIL Synthetic SAE 80 Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid.
Best Oil Combination for Honda CRF 250 and 450 Series
Honda CRF 250 and 450 4-Stroke Engines- AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-40 Dirt Bike Oil combats heat and wear, while lowering friction and maximizing power output. This is the exact formula used by the Geico-Honda pro racing team and it will do a great job for you.
Honda CRF 250 and 450 Transmissions- Use new AMSOIL Synthetic SAE 80 Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid.
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